Too good for me? (Vi x Caitlyn Fanfiction) Part 1 of 2 (2024)

“Give me a break.” Vi looked annoyed up to a certain degree with Ekko. The guy just smiled because he knew he was pushing the right buttons.

“Oh! No!” Ekko opened his eyes and put both hands into his mouth making a very faux surprised expression. “Please tell me you’ve not been wasting all this time NOT asking Caitlyn out? Daamn woman, you sure got no game.” He let his hands drop down in an exaggerated motion, turning the point he was making a whole lot bigger than normal.

Vi just rolled her eyes and a defeated smile appeared on her lips.“Look, I haven’t asked her out because... I don’t think I’m the right person.” Her voice lowered down a bit at the last few words, she sounded tired of thinking everything so much, especially not being enough for someone as perfect as Caitlyn.

“What? Are you kidding?” Ekko looked at her with a serious expression on his face, he looked at Vi from head to feet, then from feet to head.“You’re baddass!” He blurted out, not believing how his friend was this naive when it was something related to her huge crush.“I’m not the right person.” He imitated Vi in a mockingly tone.“You ARE her person, you just haven’t grown the balls to tell her. Trust me, she must be waiting for you to take the first step already.” Ekko just made a facepalm and dropped his ass at the nearest big block of debris.

Vi just stood there taking the not so subtle scoldings Ekko was giving her, and apparently she still wasn’t getting convinced by them just yet.“She is from Piltover, man... daughter of a counselor... I’m just, me.” Vi said not giving herself any credit. She was crazy about Caitlyn and she wanted to be with her with all her heart, but the difference of“status” made her back up completely.“Caitlyn is nice, she doesn’t care about those things.” Ekko defended Caitlyn’s position even though he didn’t knew her that well, but for the short period of time they knew each other he could tell Caitlyn genuinely caredabout people, not their “status” or the money they had in their banks.

Vi smiled because he said something that was the main reason she loved Caitlyn so much. She was the most open minded person she had ever met; she didn’t care about where people came from or what they did in the past, as long as they learned from it and became a better version of themselves. She had a sense of justice in her blood but she wasn’t quick to judge others with it, she wasn’t cruel and knew that not everyone was born lucky in this world; everyone deserved a chance if they wanted it inside their hearts. She was amazing, lovable and kind. She believed in Vi since the first time they met, even if she didn’t have to. She was gorgeous inside and out and that made Vi’s heart jump of happiness every time they saw each other. That woman had Vi weak to her knees and Caitlyn probably didn’t even notice.

“That is true.” Vi replied with a smile stamped on her lips, she was gathering courage to ask the blue eyed woman out, finally.“I will ask her on a date, today.” And as soon as Vi finished the sentence Ekko screamed some funny howls, celebrating Vi’s decision.“You go girl! Can’t wait for you to tell me how the first kiss goes!” The guy said chuckling, he loved teasing Vi around regarding her crush. He knew in the end both of them would be happy, since he could see the tension between the two women, miles away.

Vi was a strong willed woman; anything she wanted to do she would do it without asking anyone. She would set her mind to a goal and no one would make her change her decisions. She had a big heart and strong emotions, but would try to hide them because she needed to be strong for everyone else. A natural born leader and protector of those she cared for. She was a fighter; but when it came down to Caitlyn she didn’t know how to even proceed.

Vi decided to look for her and start from there, hopefully she didn’t screw things up like she was used to do; sometimes she would put Caitlyn in precarious situations, or not give her enough credit on her ability to get her out of problems as fast as she did. Vi was a troublemaker and Caitlyn was her “savior”.

She arrived at the first place she thought she would find Caitlyn, the Shooting Range in Piltover. It was mostly a silent place and no one would use it, that was probably why Caitlyn loved it so much; she could hit targets and practice most of her free time, when she wasn’t in duty. Vi saw her and her heart skipped a beat, the other woman was an amazing shot and sexy at that, she stayed hidden admiring her skills and her beauty.

“Are you going to stay behind that bush all day?” Caitlyn asked while recharging her weapon to keep her practice going. She smiled; she knew Vi was there since the moment she arrived but decided to stay silent giving the other woman time to introduce herself. It was becoming awkward though, being watched in silence. She moved from her position to point and shoot at a different object that was flying into the sky.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt.” Vi went ahead and showed herself, she found Caitlyn but what now?! She was panicky, not knowing what say to keep a healthy conversation with her, what an idiot, she said to herself.

“You aren’t. How are you? It’s been days since I last saw you.” Caitlyn stopped her shooting and turned around to look at Vi, who was looking at her with parted lips, like if she wasn’t sure she was there or not. Caitlyn smiled cutting the distance between both of them and gave Vi a hug, she missed her a lot.“I’ve missed you, you big dummy.” Could be heard from her lips through a deep sigh of relief. Vi hugged her back and gave her a stronger hold, she didn’t want to let her go.“I’ve missed you too, cupcake. Much more than you imagine...” Her raspy voice gave Caitlyn butterflies on her stomach, but the deep blue eyed woman could hide it very well.

Vi broke the hug first and instinctively rested both her hands on each of Caitlyn’s forearms, the other woman didn’t mind but thought it was strange; usually Vi was more reserved to be touchy than that.“Are you ok?” Caitlyn suddenly changed her expression to one of concern. They were subtle details but Vi was acting strange nonetheless and Caitlyn noticed right away.“I’m fine, I’m fine...” Vi noticed why was the question made and her hands left Caitlyn’s forearms as fast as lightning. Caitlyn felt a bitdisappointed by the lack of Vi’s touch and her eyes narrowed down, gazing at Vi deeply. After a few minutes of silence Vi decided to tell her something.

“I was just wondering if...” Vi started doubting if to actually tell her or not.“If you wanna go on a date... with me?” Her voice sounded high pitched at the end accompanying it with a comical flinched face, expecting the worst as a response.“It would be my honor.” Was Caitlyn’s response; one hand resting on Vi’s tattooed cheek trying to calm her, since she noticed the red haired woman was nervous as hell. She stole a smile from Vi’s lips by doing this and the red headed woman felt her confidence come back little by little, she thought her day would end up in rejection but it was the complete opposite.

“Really?! I mean, you don’t have a problem going out with someone like me?” Vi had to ask because she almost didn’t believe her response.“Someone like you? What do you mean?” Caitlyn was genuinely lost to what Vi was referring to. Vi observed her oblivious reaction and thought she looked adorable.“As in, someone from the Undercity instead of someone from Piltover.” Vi simply responded and it all came down to Caitlyn’s realization, a chuckle left her fine lips afterwards.“I don’t care about those things, Vi. All I care for, is you; the kind hearted woman standing in front of me.” Caitlyn’s voice was soft and her fingers rested on Vi’s chin for a bit after caressing her cheek, she could notice a blush making an appearance.

“When and where should I meet with you, then?” Caitlyn asked because she noticed Vi kind of forgot about mentioning those details.“I... Uhh...” Vi did forget about those details, shamefully. She had everything down to the point of asking and getting a rejection (in her mind), but after that it didn’t occur to her what would be a great place to take Caitlyn out to if she did indeed said yes.“You don’t have the slightest idea, do you?” Caitlyn asked, zero judgement on her voice; she knew the other woman was having it rough just by asking her out, apparently. Vi’s expression transpired shame, panic and nervousness, all at the same time, trying to find an inexistent response inside her mind.

“No need to worry, I know what we can do.” Caitlyn came to the rescue, again, Vi thought. This woman was too precious.“Wanna come to my place? My parents are absent from home for the week, which means you don’t have to worry about a dress code or anything. We could ask the family chef to cook anything we want, including Undercity cuisine, which he has told me he knew about. Also!” Caitlyn was clearly hyped about the date and Vi couldn’t stop her face from smiling now because the blue eyed woman was ranting all over the place.“I could show you a place I love visiting when I want to be alone, a secret place I only want to share with you.” She said looking at Vi with sparks on her eyes, Vi instantly knew this place was important for her.

“Yes, we can do all those things.” Vi brushed Caitlyn’s cheek lightly with her fingers, mirroring what Caitlyn had done a few minutes ago without realizing it.“How about I meet up with you at 7:00 pm at your place?” Vi asked observing Caitlyn’s eyes, she was looking back at her with loving eyes which made her feel like the luckiest woman in the world. “Sounds fantastic.” Caitlyn replied without a second thought, saving her weapon on her gun bag that was resting on her back.“I will patiently await your arrival, Violet.” Vi’s heart skipped a beat when the other woman said her whole name like that, with a deeper voice and a subtle flirt added to it.

The hours went by, slowly, adding weight to Vi’s nervousness.“Hey, don’t be nervous, you got this.” Ekko could be heard close by trying to calm Vi down.“...Remember the condoms though.” He jokingly said and Vi looked at him with a frowned face, making his smile disappear in an instant.“Dude! Stop! You’re making me more nervous than what I already am. Plus, its our first date...” Vi ended up the sentence lost in her thoughts, she suddenly imagined kissing Caitlyn furiously and pushing her into a bed, dripping sweat all over the place. Her face became red and she turned around, giving Ekko her back side trying to hide her burning cheeks.

“Yeaaaa... I don’t think the night will end up with a kiss on the cheek...” Ekko noticed, he knew what was happening inside his friend’s mind and probably on Caitlyn’s; the two women knew each other for a while now and both wanted the same thing, they were waiting for a moment like this for a long time. Vi looked at him but didn’t say anything, he understood the silent“shut up” she gave him.“A’ight, I’ll shut it.” Ekko replied putting both his hands up in the air as“giving up” and started to leave the place not without saying something first.“Good luck!” He said winking at her.“It’s almost time.” He reminded her and she noticed the hour.“f*ck! I have to hurry.” And Vi left in a hurry, running all her way to Caitlyn’s mansion.

A heavy doorbell sound radiated inside the mansion, Caitlyn opened the front door meeting a very fatigued Vi outside.“Sorry I’m late.” Vi blurted out not giving Caitlyn a chance to welcome her.“It’s completely fine, Vi, are you ok? You’re sweating like crazy.” Caitlyn answered disregarding completely that Vi was half an hour late to their date, she instead was worried if she had been recently into a fight and wounded somewhere.“I’m fine, I just took longer to arrive than expected.” Vi answered with a defeated smile, she was already f*cking things up, she said in her mind.“Come, the food is going to get cold.” Caitlyn gifted her a smile and pulled her to the table, lacing her fingers into hers in the process.

It felt good to Vi being taken care of by Caitlyn, the woman was delicate and warm towards her in everything she did and said. Vi knew she was already kind, but since the date started she was more affectionate than normal (which she didn’t mind, obviously), it seemed there was a wall blocking Caitlyn from giving Vi all the affection she wanted to give her, and now the wall was gone.

“Were you always this affectionate towards me?” Vi asked out of nowhere, trying to take the conversation they had going into a different direction, she was curious about what Caitlyn felt towards her right at that moment. The question came as a surprise to Caitlyn, and even though she didn’t mind at all, she wasn’t going to answer her just yet.

“Before I answer your question, lets go somewhere first.” Caitlyn jumped off of her seat and grabbed Vi by her hand again, lacing her thin fingers softly into hers. Vi’s heart melted every time she did this, she loved the way Caitlyn was treating her, like she was some sort of precious treasure.

After spending some time walking through a maze behind the mansion’s garden, they arrived to some sort of secret arch entrance covered by vines.“Close your eyes.” Caitlyn said and Vi looked at her with a“really?” reaction that stole a small chuckle from the Kiramman lady. It looked a bit creepy in Vi’s perspective but she trusted Caitlyn with her life, so she closed her eyes and tightened her grip on Caitlyn’s hand a little bit.“Ok, I trust you.” Replied the red haired woman and Caitlyn smiled, pulling a blind Vi through the place and sitting her in some sort of cement bench.“Open your eyes.” Vi heard Caitlyn whisper and she opened her eyes slowly.

Vi’s eyes were met with a gorgeous view, the most beautiful she had ever seen in her life. It was some sort of hidden garden, with a pond in the middle filled with water flowers and colorful fishes. Even though they were in an open place there were some wooden structures covered with vines and beautiful flowers on top of them, making the place feel like a natural green house. The place was guarded with tall walls made of bushes and a huge tree across the other end, giving the ambient some sort of a relaxed feeling. There were lights everywhere illuminating the garden, but most of the illumination was thanks to some tiny and cute critters that glowed through the night.

“This is... so beautiful.” Vi’s mouth was agape, full of wonder, not knowing how to express how much she loved the place.“I’m glad you like it.” Caitlyn smiled, she gave a proud look to the garden.“I’ve been working on this garden since I became an enforcer, whenever I had the time, really. It was a difficult time for me back then; my mom didn’t approve of me doing that kind of work and my coworkers hated me without actually knowing me. Jayce tried to help me but didn’t know how to and I snapped at him, pushing him away for a while... So I used to spend countless hours fixing up this place apart of practicing my shooting, to keep my mind busy.” Vi noticed that Caitlyn’s eyes saddened while remembering the past, making her wish she was back then helping her instead of being inside a cell rotting.

“This place has helped me at my lowest and hopefully it will help you as well, whenever you need it.” Caitlyn kindly offered, she wanted her special place be Vi’s as well.“I-...I don’t even know what to say, cupcake. I appreciate this and everything you’ve done for me since we’ve met. I’ll be sure to visit whenever I need...” Vi locked eyes with Caitlyn and suddenly looked at her lips, her eyes lingered being tempted by them, but she controlled herself and looked away again. Caitlyn noticed but didn’t inquire about it, she didn’t want to pressure the red haired woman in any way.

“About what you asked at the dinner table...” Caitlyn suddenly remembered Vi’s question, the question she wanted to answer only at this place.“I’ve always liked you Vi, since the day we first met.” Caitlyn paused for a minute, looking straight into Vi’s eyes.“I tried not to be obvious about it though, since I was afraid you would leave and never come back to me.” The blue haired woman confessed, still a bit afraid her words would scare Vi away.“That is why before today, I didn’t show too much affection towards you in the way I really wanted but if you don’t like it I can...”“I love it.” Vi cut Caitlyn off in the middle of her sentence, she didn’t want Caitlyn getting the wrong idea off of her.

“I love the way you treat me Caitlyn, please don’t stop being the way you are with me.” Vi said with a small blush on her cheeks. Caitlyn’s lips parted in surprise and suddenly felt the urge to kiss Vi on the lips; her eyes darkened and with both hands she held Vi’s cheeks softly, pulling her face closer to her own. Their noses brushed lightly and they could feel their warm breaths mix with each other, but as soon as they did it started raining out of nowhere and with force, making them jump off of the bench and run back to the mansion.

The two women entered the mansion completely wet thanks to the sudden storm covering the city. They were both breathing heavily and while they were catching their breaths they remembered they almost kissed just a few minutes ago. Caitlyn smiled to herself, Vi had her weak and for a moment she couldn’t control her desire of tasting her lips. She wanted to lick Vi’s scar...

“Are you ok, cupcake? You should change to warm clothing.” Vi commented, trying to break the silence and stop both their minds from running, since she was also fantasizing about Caitlyn’s lips on her own. Damn rain, she said inside her mind, of all the times during the day it had to rain right at that moment.

“You mean we should change of clothing.” Caitlyn corrected her, she wasn’t going to let Vi catch a cold either. They ended up upstairs, inside Caitlyn’s room, so they could use the shower.“I will find you some clothes while you shower. Feel free to use any of my things, they’re yours as well.” Caitlyn left a confused Vi inside her huge bathroom.“How did I ended up in here.” Vi whispered to herself, remembering what Ekko said to her: “...I don’t think the night will end up with a kiss on the cheek...” Her cheeks turned red while dropping her clothes to the ground and jumping inside the shower, she couldn’t deny the warm water was good.

“Here are the clothes I found for you, I will leave them he...” Caitlyn entered the bathroom forgetting to knock beforehand and stopped on her tracks, when she saw a semi naked Vi drying herself up.“I’m so sorry, I should’ve knocked before entering.” Caitlyn turned around as fast as she could with the clothing still on her hands.“You’re fine.” Vi said with a smirk that Caitlyn wouldn’t be able to see.“I used to shower with other inmates all the time. I don’t mind you looking at me...” She lowered her voice into a sensual one, sneaking a hand into Caitlyn’s side caressing her arm lightly while she snatched the clothing in the process.“I- I will wait outside.” Caitlyn replied and left the bathroom so Vi could finish.

“Your turn.” Vi announced and Caitlyn almost ran to the bathroom, trying to hide her shame because of what happened a minute ago. Vi smiled because she knew she had a sudden effect over her and an evil thought crossed her mind, but she instantly dismissed it, she had to stop herself from making raw decisions.

A few minutes went by and it sounded that Caitlyn had finished her shower. Vi was biting her lower lip while sitting down on the bed, thinking if to leave already since her mind was running wild with all sort of thoughts. She heard the bathroom door open and her eyes met with Caitlyn’s, who was covered only with her towel and her skin looked still wet in most areas. Caitlyn’s eyes were narrowed down and her cheeks looked flushed. Vi could see drops of water traveling down her neck to her collar bones and that undeniably turned Vi on instantly. Caitlyn walked closer to the red haired woman that was sitting down on her bed and stood in front of her for a minute.

Vi swallowed thickly, she didn’t know what was going through Caitlyn’s mind.“Do you want to see me?...” Caitlyn asked with a voice filled with lust and that made Vi feel hotter than normal. The blue haired woman didn’t give the other one a chance to react when she suddenly dropped the towel down to the floor, revealing her perfectly toned body to hungry eyes. Vi’s eyes narrowed as well while she felt her body turn hot, she couldn’t take her eyes off of Caitlyn’s curves, she wanted more.

Vi stood up and closed the gap between them, their bodies almost touching.“What if I want to do more than seeing you?...” Vi’s voice turned into a raspy one, her desire taking a hold of her actions.“I wouldn’t object in the slightest.” Caitlyn answered pulling Vi’s face with both her hands on her cheeks again, this time a bit more hungrier than before, and this time their lips actually met. A moan left Caitlyn’s throat when she felt Vi’s soft lips onto hers and Vi followed along when she felt Caitlyn’s tongue enter her mouth unannounced and caressing hers. Vi instinctively grabbed Caitlyn by the waist, caressing her naked skin all the way to her back, enjoying touching her supple skin.

To be continued...

Too good for me? (Vi x Caitlyn Fanfiction) Part 1 of 2 (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.