Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (2024)


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (1)

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I thank God for leading me to the Walk at Home Program.

Diabetes runs on my father’s side of the family. Many family members on his side have suffered and died early in life from complications of Diabetes. My paternal grandmother was a double amputee. My cousin at the age of 57 died four years ago on Dialysis. He was like a big brother to me. My father didn’t have Diabetes. I always hoped that this terrible disease would skip me like it did my father. I wasn’t that fortunate.

I’m now 54 years old and work in the medical profession. The more knowledge I have about this systemic disease the more my fear grew. My fears only fueled the denial to come.

Five years ago I was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic but I didn’t need medication and all my blood work was good. So I didn’t worry. Three years ago I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I had to use a CPAP machine to help me breathe at night. I cried the first night I used it but I adjusted.

My clothes were getting tighter and my lifestyle more sedentary. I just didn’t feel that great.

On June 13th, 2019, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I was given four prescriptions to fill and offered a glucometer to track my blood sugars. I was crushed and scarred! I saw my future as full of pain, complications with an early demise. I would miss out on enjoying my family and watching them grow. I looked around my kitchen and thought I can’t eat anything, none of it is good for me. I lost my appetite and the Pity Party began. I texted my best friend and told her the news. Her response was simply “GET MAD!” I chewed on that for the rest of the night. I was mad! Mad at myself, mad because I know better. While I sat in front of the TV, a WW commercial came on with Oprah. I’ve seen this before but this time it spoke to me! I immediately went online and joined WW. My weight at my PCP visit that day was 203 lbs.

I walked into my first WW studio a week later with a starting weight of 199.6 lbs. My attitude at that moment was that I was walking into battle for my life! I followed the WW point system and was surprised it wasn’t as hard as I thought would be. I knew I needed to exercise but I hate running, jumping and complicated aerobics. I searched online for something low impact that I could do daily. Guess what, the Walk at Home DVD’s popped up more than anyone else. So I looked it up on You-Tube and there was all the Walkers! I liked the workout so I purchased my first DVD – Walking off The Pounds, 3 Miles. I love it! It’s my favorite of all the DVDs! Oh it was hard in the beginning. I hadn’t moved like that in years but I walked with Walk at Home every day. Two months into walking I started using the Ab and back strengthening exercises. Again, hard but I wouldn’t give up!

I was scheduled for my three month PCP visit and when she walked into the exam room her mouth dropped! She said, “Where is the rest of you?” She was so happy that I lost weight! On that visit, my weight was 166 lbs. My PCP took me off my medications and ordered another sleep study. The study showed I had no further sleep disturbance. No more CPAP!!! I was feeling great! My husband even said I didn’t snore anymore. I felt like I needed someone to pinch me because I must be dreaming.

I tell all my friends about the Walk at Home workouts and how much I love them! Now my friends are working out with Walk at Home too! So far I’ve lost 54 lbs. My weight today is 147.6 lbs.

Thank God for Walk at Home and My WW family! My life is changed forever! My WW coach asked for words of wisdom during a meeting when I received my 50 lb. charm. I told the group not to forget why they walked through those doors. I came in with a plan to fight for my life and that will continue for the rest of my life. God has blessed me greatly by introducing me to Walk at Home and my WW family. I will never part from either one of you.

-Trudy F.
Nurse Practitioner and new Walker!

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (2)

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Walk at Home is a TRUE inspiration to me and has inspired me to do the following and help others!

In 2011, I lost 75 lbs on my own, by portion control, drinking water and moving (pedometer). I love to help others so I started a Facebook support group “STEPS TO GOOD HEALTH” because I love to help and support others. Through the years, between local media and word of mouth, our group has grown to nearly 20,000 members!

Fast forward to 2018 and I now have close to 20,000 men, women, seniors, tweens…all supporting each other in a POSITIVE atmosphere 24/7, where you can be yourself and no one will ever judge you. As a result, so many of my wonderful members have said that because of our group, they either lost weight, some say their blood numbers have come down, they feel great, etc. As I told them, I am no doctor, no nutritionist, I am just an every day woman who did not lose weight by a diet, it’s called a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.

The ironic part of this whole thing is that…NOW…I am looking to these wonderful people for their support.

Because of life’s circ*mstances (lost my brother suddenly, menopause, etc.). I gained all of my weight back. 6 weeks ago, I started my journey again, at 52 years old and in menopause. Wow! I am so thankful for my community.

I want to continue to spread the word about our Facebook support group. There are so many people out there struggling with their weight and they feel alone. I want them to know that we are here for them.

Below are some of my wonderful members who said that STEPS TO GOOD HEALTH has helped them so much:

“I know I’ve said it before, but thank you so much for creating STGH!! I have struggled with my weight since I was 10 and this group has become a family for me. If you do have a get together this fall I will do everything to be there!! Love you friend!!” – Molly

“Peg you have been so supportive to us all. I started my first steps because of you! (Bought a FitBit) Now I walk well over 10,000 steps a day!” – Linda

“Without YOU and your honesty & desire to help others in our lifestyle changes and weight loss journey, this group would not exist. Not only have you encouraged & motivated us but you’ve given many of us a real sense of self-worth and the desire to motivate others!” – Karen

“The support and encouragement that we receive from this group is beyond words.This group is my motivation when I need it, my strength when I’m feeling weak,my support when the going is tough and the love and friendship that keeps me going.No matter what it is I can turn to this group and know that I will be uplifted.This is all possible because of you.” – Susan

“Because of this group, I learned never to give up and anything worth having requires work. The clock face on my Fitbit reads “it all begins with a single step” ,I chose that because this group taught me that it’s not a race but a lifestyle change.” – Michelle

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (3)

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I’ve still got more to lose (about another 20 pounds) and I’m still losing weight, but I never thought in my wildest dreams that I could drop this much weight in such a small amount of time with such little effort! My before photo is taken in a suit with a shirt that is XXL and my after photo is taken in a shirt that is Medium, but still looks big. I’ve been reluctant to buy all new clothes because I’ve been losing weight so quickly that even the clothes I bought after losing 40 pounds are now too big for me. The biggest lesson my weight loss journey has taught me is that it’s the little things you do every day (like a 15 minute workout every day) will have a bigger impact than the occasional things you do.
– Andrew

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (4)

Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (5)

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I’m 39 years old, mother of 2, and have been struggling with weight gain and a slowing metabolism. I hated the way I looked. I hated the way I felt but at the same time, I felt powerless to change anything. I had done your workouts before but until I saw the “before” picture that I’ve attached, I was just complacent. I then saw that picture, posted by a friend on FB, and I barely recognized myself. That’s when I knew I had to change. I pulled out my Miracle Miles DVD set and band and made a promise to change both my activity level and my diet. In two months I’m down 15 pounds but most importantly I look and feel 100 % better. I’m more confident, I am more toned, my “fat pants” don’t even fit any more. I’m down two pant sizes already. The miracle miles program is absolute perfection as I can tailor my workout for the exact time I have, I highly recommend it to everyone. People ask me if I have a personal trainer and I say “yep, Leslie Sansone”. Thank you so much for having a great workout program that anyone can do at any level. It has change my body and my life. If you’re ever in Orlando, I’ll walk with you!!! (Even outdoors!!)
– Allison

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (6)

Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (7)

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I’ve done walking DVDs for a few years but didn’t make a lifestyle change till March of 2017. I was asked to be a bridesmaid a month before and the before photo was when I found the dress I would be wearing. I wasn’t the happiest with how I looked and felt in the dress and to think I would be standing in front at a wedding I had to make a change. I changed how I ate, and I was doing 2-3 miles of Walk at Home every day. I went from doing just walking then moved to HIIT training in a few months. The wedding was in July of that year. I started noticing a change and difference in the day, had more energy, and was slowly seeing a change in how I saw myself. I actually wasn’t able to wear this dress at the wedding because it was too big. Felt pretty good to have something that was actually falling off!
So far I’ve lost 40 lbs in a year and still working to do more. I feel amazing! I’ve gone from doing 1 mile a day to now 4-5 miles a day!! And I highly recommend Walk at Home! There’s so many times you just don’t feel like leaving the house to go be around others at a gym. Being in your own home not worried about others looking or watching how you’re doing your workout is a great thing for the ones who take things slower than others!!!
– Hannah

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (8)

Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (9)

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I had gotten to the highest weight I had ever been. I was tired all of the time and did not feel good. I decided to make a change in my life and started eating healthy and exercising. So far I have lost 27.2 pounds. I couldn’t be feeling any better. Thank you Leslie and Walk at Home!
– Hannah

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (10)

Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (11)

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I have been walking at home with Leslie for years and it has changed my life. I currently do the 5 mega miles or 4 mile power walk with the 30 minute firm video after. Can’t start my morning without Leslie!
I went from 238 pounds to 132 pounds! 35 years old and loving my new life! I used weight watchers on and off but any time I would hit a plateau I would break out a new Leslie video and things would move again. No better work out!
2009 on the left and 2017 on the right.
Thank you for giving me my life back!
– Jessica

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (12)

Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (13)

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My name is Katie and I lost 17 lbs in 6 months walking with Leslie and the Walk at Home Team! I always hated working out but I enjoy my walking videos so much! The time always flies by and I burn a ton of calories! I feel like Leslie is my friend and I absolutely love her positive, encouraging attitude! And working out at home has never been easier! So grateful I found these low impact, easy to follow workouts!
– Katie

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (14)

Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (15)

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My name is Jayla and I love Walk At Home! I find it to be the only workout I can stick to and if I ever try something else I always come back to Leslie! My favorite is Walk It Off in 30 Days. I just love how Leslie is so encouraging and happy. Being able to get in a full workout in 30 minutes is perfect for my busy schedule as a social worker and single mom.
– Jayla

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (16)

Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (17)

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In February 2017 I went to the library to pick up several different exercise videos: yoga, walking, for seniors, all types. I weighed about 315 lbs and was coming to terms with my kids all being away at college, the quiet, the “what to do next?” It was a year of big changes and taking care of me was one of them. Your DVDs worked for me. I have knee issues so appreciate not having to get up & down, the simplicity of just walking. I started with, thankfully, being able to do 1 mile a day and now, a year later, am doing a mix of 2 or 3 miles a day. I have lost 95 lbs and now weigh 220. I keep a food diary and exercise 6 days a week, at least 3 times a week with your videos. I really like them especially “The Big Burn – 2 miles of intervals” and “A Closer 2 mile walk”. I still go to the library to check out Walk at Home DVDs and buy the ones I like (those I’m hogging away from others at the library). I want to thank you for helping so many of us focus on getting healthier. I still have a ways to go. If you have any suggestions for the over 55 crowd with lateral knee movement issues, just let me know, as sometimes “kick backs” and “double side-steps” yield knee twinges. Again thank you!

– Patricia

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (18)

Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (19)

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Walk at Home Success Story!
– Jamie

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (20)

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Walk at Home Success Story!

– Becky

* Individual results may vary.


Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (21)

Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (22)

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I have lost 31 pounds in 9 months, and I’m from Red Wing, MN, USA. You have helped me to strengthen and work through back, sciatica and plantar fasciitis issues and focus on me, since retiring in October 2016! I have toned my body more than I thought possible. I have lost over 4” in my waistline, and have gone from a size 8-10 pant to a size 4! My lungs feel better, and I feel better than I have in years! Thank you Leslie and your team – you motivate me!

– Catherine

* Individual results may vary.

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Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (23)

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Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (24)Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (25)Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (26)Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (27)
Success Stories using Walk at Home | #1 Walk Fitness by Leslie Sansone (2024)


Can you lose weight with Leslie Sansone Walk at Home? ›

My name is Katie and I lost 17 lbs in 6 months walking with Leslie and the Walk at Home Team! I always hated working out but I enjoy my walking videos so much! The time always flies by and I burn a ton of calories! I feel like Leslie is my friend and I absolutely love her positive, encouraging attitude!

Does walk away the pounds really work? ›

I never thought I would enjoy working out with a dvd so much. Leslie is so encouraging, warm and motivating to workout with! I have only been doing the dvd's for a little over 5 weeks and I have already lost about 10 pounds. I am not a dieter by any means and have never been so these dvd's really work.

Can you lose weight with a Walk at Home? ›

Much like outdoor walking, walking indoors — either up and down the hallway or in-place — can be beneficial for weight loss if you reach high intensities. A key to maximizing the benefits of at-home walking workouts is by minimizing the sedentary (TV viewing) times and making the most of incidental activities.

How many calories are burned doing Leslie Sansone's 1 mile walk? ›

Leslie Sansone's line of walking programs is no different. The fitness instructors don't ever give an exact number, but for this program they're willing to admit to a 100- to 150-calorie burn for every mile you walk.

Will I lose weight if I walk 30 minutes a day? ›

Physical activity, such as walking, is important for weight control because it helps you burn calories. If you add 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily habits, you could burn about 150 more calories a day. Of course, the more you walk and the quicker your pace, the more calories you'll burn.

Can you lose weight if you walk 3 miles a day? ›

Each mile that a person walks burns roughly 100 calories. If a person was to commit to walking 4,500 extra steps per day, or roughly 3 extra miles, they would be burning an extra 300 calories a day (at least). Burning 300 calories each day leads to a weekly deficit of 2100 calories.

Can I lose 20 pounds in a month by walking? ›

The key to losing 20 pounds by walking is to set appropriate goals and understand the fundamentals of weight loss. How Long Will it Take Me to Lose 20 Pounds? At a weight loss rate of ½ -1 pound per week, it will likely take you at least 20 weeks to lose 20 pounds.

Can you lose belly fat by walking? ›

Simply walking more often can help you lose weight and belly fat, as well as provide other excellent health benefits, including a decreased risk of disease and improved mood. In fact, walking just one mile burns about 100 calories.

How much walking to lose 10 pounds in a month? ›

Since there are 3,500 calories in 1 pound, "this means to lose 1 pound, you'll need to walk roughly 35 miles or 70,000 steps. Over the course of a week, this means targeting 10,000 steps a day," says Davis. At this rate, you could lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks. The more you weigh, the more calories you will burn.

What are the benefits of Leslie Sansone walk at home? ›


Low to moderate intensity cardio is great for losing fat because it puts your body in the so-called fat burning zone. And if you do Leslie's Walk at home program, during one month, you'll get around 10 low to moderate intensity cardio sessions.

How much is Leslie Sansone worth? ›

Leslie Sansone (born February 14, 1961) is an American fitness instructor from New Castle, Pennsylvania. Since her first video was published in 1980, she has released over a hundred DVDs and four books. Sansone promotes walking exercises, resulting in a business self-reported to be worth $200 million.

How many calories is a 30-minute walk? ›

How many calories does walking burn? Depending on your weight, you can burn 100-200 calories with 30 minutes of brisk walking. You can burn anywhere between 500-1000 calories per week by doing this at least 5 days a week. If you want to burn more calories while walking, aim for more than 30 minutes.

How effective is Leslie Sansone? ›

I've lost 20 pounds and quite a few inches in just over 5 weeks by following a healthy food plan and working out w/ Leslie 5 to 7 days a week, and I've seen the numbers drop on the scale even more since incorporating this workout into my daily routine.

Does indoor walking help lose belly fat? ›

Walking for weight loss is low-impact and has many benefits, including reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. It can also help you reduce belly fat by burning extra calories and developing lean muscle.

Can walking alone reduce belly fat? ›

Simply walking more often can help you lose weight and belly fat, as well as provide other excellent health benefits, including a decreased risk of disease and improved mood. In fact, walking just one mile burns about 100 calories.


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.