Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (2024)

Table of Contents

  • +1. General Information
    • 1.1. Health Values
      • 1.1.1. Ji-Kun and Adds
      • 1.1.2. Eggs
    • 1.2. Enrage Timer
    • 1.3. Raid Composition
  • +2. Loot
    • 2.1. Armor
    • 2.2. Weapons
    • 2.3. Cloaks and Trinkets
  • 3. DPS Requirements
  • 4. Overview of the Fight
  • 5. Class-specific Advice
  • +6. Abilities
    • 6.1. Ji-Kun
    • 6.2. Nests and Adds
      • 6.2.1. Lower Nests
      • 6.2.2. Upper Nests
      • 6.2.3. Juveniles
      • 6.2.4. Activation Order
      • 6.2.5. Traveling Between Nests
  • +7. Strategy
    • 7.1. Handling the Nests
    • 7.2. Ji-Kun's Platform
    • 7.3. Tip for Maximising DPS
  • 8. When to Use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp
  • 9. Learning the Fight
  • +10. Heroic Mode
    • 10.1. Differences From Normal Mode
    • 10.2. Strategy
  • 11. Concluding Remarks
  • 12. Changelog

Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (1)


This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of theencounter with Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder. It is targeted at anyonewho desires to understand the fight mechanics.

This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.1.2.

Ji-Kun is the sixth boss in the Throne of Thunder raid instance.This boss is quite reminiscent of Alysrazor in the Firelands raid. That said,this encounter is less complicated than the one against Alysrazor, and it isgenerally simple from a strategy point of view.

The fight presents a recurring DPS check for your raid, and there arecopious amounts of raid damage to heal.


General Information


Health Values


Ji-Kun and Adds

DifficultyJi-KunHatchlingsFledgelingsJuvenilesNest Guardians
10-man Heroic366M1.8M1.8M2.7M3.3M
25-man Heroic1,099M1.9M???M2.74M4.22M



DifficultyYoung Egg of Ji-KunMature Egg of Ji-Kun
10-man Heroic1.8M2.7M
25-man Heroic1.9M2.74M


Enrage Timer

We do not know what the hard enrage timer of this fight is, currently.There does not appear to be a soft enrage timer of any sort.


Raid Composition




In addition to the items listed below, Ji-Kun drops the tokens thatyou will need for buying your Tier 15 Legs parts.



Item NameArmorSlotMain Stats
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (2) Robe of Midnight Down (LFR, Heroic)ClothChestIntellect
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (3) Cord of Cacophonous Cawing (LFR, Heroic)ClothWaistIntellect/Hit
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (4) Featherflight Belt (LFR, Heroic)LeatherWaistAgility
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (5) Grasp of the Ruthless Mother (LFR, Heroic)MailHandsIntellect
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (6) Crown of Potentiated Birth (LFR, Heroic)PlateHeadIntellect
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (7) Talonrender Chestplate (LFR, Heroic)PlateChestStrength
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (8) Egg-Shard Grips (LFR, Heroic)PlateHandsStrength/Parry



Item NameTypeMain Stats
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (9) Giorgio's Caduceus of Pure Moods (LFR, Heroic)StaffIntellect/Spirit


Cloaks and Trinkets

Item NameTypeMain Stats
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (10) Pinionfeather Greatcloak (LFR, Heroic)CloakAgility
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (11) Fabled Feather of Ji-Kun (LFR, Heroic)TrinketHit/Strength on proc
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (12) Ji-Kun's Rising Winds (LFR, Heroic)TrinketExpertise/Heal on proc


DPS Requirements

We currently have no information about the enrage timer. We will update thissection when we know more.


Overview of the Fight

The fight against Ji-Kun is a single-phase encounter where you haveto face Ji-Kun herself, as well as a few types of adds that sometimesenter the fight.

Ji-Kun is located on a circular platform, where she spends the entirefight and where two tanks will need to alternate tanking her. In addition tothis, there exist 5 nests (or roosts as they are called in-game)located below her platform, and 5 located above. On each of the nests belowher platform, there are eggs which, at certain points in the fight spawn anumber of adds called Hatchlings. If these Hatchlings are not killedwithin a certain amount of time, they turn into Fledgelings, a similarbut more damaging type of adds. In turn, these adds will eventually layanother type of eggs, called Mature Eggs of Ji-Kun, which hatch after agiven amount of time, spawning more powerful adds called Juveniles. Yourraid members must regularly travel down to these nests to kill the Hatchlingsbefore they have time to lay eggs. The nests above Ji-Kun's platform containMature Eggs of Ji-Kun, which activate at certain times. When the eggs on anest activate, your raid members have a given amount of time to kill thembefore they turn into Juveniles.

Several of your raid members will have to make regular trips to thenests in order to kill the adds, while the rest of your raid members willremain on Ji-Kun's platform.

We have released a video guide for the fight against Ji-Kun. Westrongly recommend watching the video in order to get a better visual idea ofthe fight.


Class-specific Advice

On our forums, we are maintaining threads with class-specific advice for each of thefights of Throne of Thunder. So, make sure to check them out, and if you have things toshare, do not hesitate to contribute!

ClassForum Threads
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (13) Death Knight
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (14)Blood
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (15)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (16)Frost/Unholy
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (17) Druid
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (18)Balance
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (19)Feral
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (20)Guardian
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (21)Restoration
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (22) Hunter
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (23)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (24)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (25)All specs
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (26) Mage
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (27)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (28)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (29)All specs
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (30) Monk
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (31)Brewmaster
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (32)Mistweaver
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (33)Windwalker
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (34) Paladin
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (35)Holy
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (36)Protection
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (37)Retribution
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (38) Priest
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (39)Discipline
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (40)Holy
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (41)Shadow
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (42) Rogue
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (43)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (44)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (45)All specs
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (46) Shaman
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (47)Elemental
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (48)Enhancement
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (49)Restoration
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (50) Warlock
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (51)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (52)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (53)All specs
Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (54) Warrior
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (55)Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (56)Arms/Fury
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (57)Protection





Ji-Kun uses several abilities, which, for the most part, only affectplayers on her own platform. We will detail them here before talking about theabilities and mechanics that concern the adds.

  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (58) Infected Talons and Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (59) Talon Rake are stacking tank debuffs thatrequire a tank switch.
    • Infected Talons is a stacking Nature damage DoT.
    • Talon Rake is a powerful attack that also applies a debuff which causesthe target to take increased damage from Talon Rake for 1 minute.
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (60) Down Draft is a spell that Ji-Kun casts roughly every 2 minutes. Itis a channeled spell that pushes all players away from Ji-Kun for 8 seconds.Players must run towards Ji-Kun to avoid being pushed back.
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (61) Caw is a nuke that Ji-Kun casts often. She sends sound waves at thelocation of random raid members (2 in 10-man, and 5 in 25-man and LFR), whichdeal damage in an 8-yard radius of their point of impact.
  • Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (62) Quills is a raid-wide AoE attack that Ji-Kun channels for 8 secondsroughly every one minute. It deals damage to all players on Ji-Kun's platform,as well as to players located on the nests below.

In addition to these abilities, Ji-Kun has one more important spell.She regularly casts Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (63) Feed Young throughout the fight to feed theHatchlings in the nests below. When there are no Hatchlings alive, thenJi-Kun will target random locations on her platform. In this case, Feed Youngmanifests as green balls of slime falling down from the ceiling, leaving agreen void zone upon landing. These void zones have several characteristics.

  • If a player stands in a void zone for 3 seconds, the void zonedisappears.
  • Standing in a void zone causes players to become Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (64) Slimed, takingNature damage over time and taking increased damage from further applicationsof Slimed. This debuff persists for the entire duration of the fight.
  • If a player who is flying (the ability to fly is gained after killingHatchlings, as we will see below) intercepts the food thrown by Ji-Kunwhile it is in the air (it falls to the ground slowly), they prevent the voidzone from spawning, and they gain a stack of a 30-second buff calledJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (65) Primal Nutriment, which increases damage and healing done by 30% for thefirst application, and by an additional 10% for successive applications.

When Feed Young lands at the location of the Hatchlings, they begin toeat for 10 seconds. If the Hatchlings are still alive after this time, theyturn into more powerful adds called Fledgelings.


Nests and Adds


Lower Nests

There are 5 nests located below Ji-Kun's platform. On each of them, thereare several unattackable and untargetable eggs. When one of these nests isactivated, from these eggs appear several Hatchlings (4 in 10-man, and5 in 25-man). Hatchlings have a single ability, calledJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (66) Cheep, which causes them to deal a small amount of damage totheir target.

After they hatch, the Hatchlings call for food, and Ji-Kun's nextJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (67) Feed Young will target them (instead of random locations on herplatform). After the food lands, the Hatchlings begin to eat it, channelingfor 10 seconds. If the Hatchlings are alive to finish this cast, they turninto Fledgelings, similar adds who deal much higher damage. After awhile, the Fledgelings lay eggs of their own, which spawn even more powerfuladds called Juveniles. We explain these adds below.


Upper Nests

There are 3 nests located above Ji-Kun's platform. On these nests, thereexist several Mature Eggs of Ji-Kun. When one of these nests is activated,these eggs begin hatching over 20 seconds. If they are not killed beforethis happens, Juveniles spawn from the eggs. We talk about the Juvenilesbelow.



Juveniles are the adds that represent the final product of the lowernests, as well as the result of the hatching of eggs on the upper nests.

Juveniles have a lot of health (although they spawn with the same healthpercentage as the egg from which they hatched had when the hatching tookplace). They fly above the raid, throwing down balls of slime very similar tothose from Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (68) Feed Young, which also leave behind void zones.

The Juveniles cannot be reached from Ji-Kun's platform by ranged DPSplayers, and since the void zones that they put down will eventuallyoverwhelm you, these adds must simply be prevented from spawning in the firstplace.


Activation Order

As soon as the fight starts, the north-eastern lower nest will activate.From this moment on, every 30 seconds until the end of the fight, a new nestactivates. So, 30 seconds after the first nest activates, the next lower nest,in a clockwise fashion (the south-eastern nest) will activate, and so on.Sometime, a lower and an upper nest activate at the same time.

The activation orders are different in 10 and 25-man. We will do our bestto describe them below, but this is not very important since the newlyactivated nest is always clearly indicated by a large beam of red lightshining on it, and players do not need to get to a nest immediately.

In 10-man, the activation order is as follows.

  1. Activations 1-3 activate a lower nest each.
  2. Activations 4-6 activate an upper nest each.
  3. Activations 7 and 8 activate a lower nest each.
  4. Activations 9 and 10 happen at the same time, and they active a lower andan upper nest.
  5. Activations 11 and 12 activate and upper nest each.

From this point on, the cycle restarts, but the fight should not last longbeyond this point.

In 25-man, it is as we describe below.

  1. Activations 1-4 activate a lower nest each.
  2. Activations 5 and 6 happen at the same time, and they activate a lower andan upper nest.
  3. Activations 7 and 8 activate an upper nest each.
  4. Activations 9 and 10 happen at the same time, and they activate a lower andan upper nest.
  5. Activations 11 and 12 happen at the same time, and they activate a lowerand an upper nest.
  6. Activations 13 and 14 activate a lower nest each.
  7. Activations 15 and 16 happen at the same time, and they active a lower andan up upper nest.

This carries on in what appears to be a rather random order until therest of the fight.

It is important to note that players who are located on the nests takedamage from Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (69) Quills, the raid-wide AoE spell that Ji-Kun sometimescasts.


Traveling Between Nests

In order to get from Ji-Kun to one of the nests below her platform, onemust simply run or jump off of Ji-Kun's platform and onto the nest. Missingthe nest does not cause the players to die or get stuck - once they reach theground, they are thrown back up to the top, although precious time iswasted.

Traveling from one nest to another, from a nest back up to Ji-Kun'splatform, and to nests located above her platform, however, is donedifferently. Each Hatchling leaves behind a feather when it dies.Walking over this feather grants the respective player a buff with 4charges, called Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (70) Daedalian Wings. While this buff is active, players havean extra action button with the ability Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (71) Flight. Using this grants theplayer the ability to fly for 10 seconds, with a 15-second cooldown. Pickingup a feather applies a 1-minute debuff called Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (72) Lesson of Icarus to theplayer. While this debuff is active, the player cannot pick up any newfeathers.

It is important to note that if your Flight buff ends while you are stillflying, you will not take fall damage.



We will begin by summarising the strategy for the fight before going intofurther details.

  • Have your two tanks alternate tanking Ji-Kun in order to manage theJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (73) Infected Talons and Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (74) Talon Rake debuffs.
  • Assign groups of raid members (3 DPS players and 1 healer in 10-man, and4 DPS players and 1 healer in 25-man) to go to the nests that activate andhandle them accordingly (killing Hatchlings or Mature Eggs of Ji-Kun,respectively). Given the limitations imposed by Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (75) Lesson of Icarus and thefact that sometimes two nests activate at once, you will need to set up arotation between these groups.
  • Have everyone on Ji-Kun's platform be spread out to minimise damage fromJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (76) Caw.
  • Run towards Ji-Kun when she is channeling Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (77) Down Draft.
  • Have players with stacks of Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (78) Flight to spare intercept asmany of the balls of slime that Ji-Kun throws on her platform as possible, inorder to prevent the Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (79) Feed Pools from spawning, and in order to gain asmany stacks of Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (80) Primal Nutriments as possible.
  • Have players on Ji-Kun's platform actively despawn Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (81) Feed Poolsregularly by standing inside them for 3 seconds.


Handling the Nests

You should assign several groups of players to form groups.

You should create two groups of players (1 healer and 3 DPS players in10-man, and 1 healer and 4 DPS players in 25-man). Have the first group readyto jump down to the first nest at the start of the fight. As soon as they havekilled the Hatchlings present there, these players should use theirJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (82) Flight ability to get back up to Ji-Kun's platform, and the secondgroup should prepare to jump down to the second nest.

Either of the two groups can handle the third nest, and then, for thefourth and fifth nests that activate (at the same time, one lower and oneupper), each of the groups should take one nest.

Once this set of nests has been handled, players should once again beable to take the Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (83) Daedalian Wings buff (Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (84) Lesson of Icarus should havefaded), and the cycle can repeat itself.


Ji-Kun's Platform

Things on Ji-Kun's platform are not complicated.

The two tanks must alternate tanking Ji-Kun in order to manage the debuffsthat the boss applies.

Everyone must be spread out in order to minimise the damage dealt byJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (85) Caw, and everyone should run towards Ji-Kun when she castsJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (86) Down Draft. Any movement-speed-increasing abilities you can use whenDown Draft is being cast will help greatly. Players who have charges ofJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (87) Flight available can essentially bypass Down Draft by flying above it,but this can hardly be done reliably.

Anyone who is close to a Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (88) Feed Pool void zone and who has enoughhealth to survive its damage should move into it for 3 seconds in order todespawn it.

Healers will need to be prepared for the high raid damage dealt whenJi-Kun casts Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (89) Quills.


Tip for Maximising DPS

In 25-man, you should assign one group of 4 strong DPS players to jump downto a nest, kill the Hatchlings present there, and fly back up toJi-Kun's platform. These players should use their remaining 3 charges ofJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (90) Flight to fly up in the air when Ji-Kun casts Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (91) Feed Young on herplatform, and intercept as many balls of slime as they can. This will allowthem to stack the Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (92) Primal Nutriments buff, and greatly boost your raid DPS.In 10-man, this task can be performed sporadically by any raiders who havespare Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (93) Flight charges.


When to Use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp

We recommend using Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (94) Heroism/Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (95) Bloodlust/Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (96) Time Warp towardsthe end of the fight. Things can tend to get out of control when the fightnears the end, and you may even have a few Juveniles that had time tohatch from an upper nest which will now circle your raid. You can useHeroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp here to kill Ji-Kun faster.


Learning the Fight

There are several important things your raid members must learn.

First and foremost, several raid members will have to master the task ofhandling the eggs located on the nests below Ji-Kun's platform, asfailing this task will quickly cause a wipe. There is no special way oflearning this, and you will simply have to sacrifice a few attempts whilethese players understand the task.

Secondly, everyone must be prepared to run towards Ji-Kun when she castsJi-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (97) Down Draft, as otherwise they risk being thrown off the platform or atthe very least pushed on top of Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (98) Feed Pools.

The remaining tasks are more subtle and will require more practice, and theyboth have to do with the Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (99) Feed Pools. Having your raid members interceptFeed Pools before they even spawn, and having them despawn someregularly to keep their numbers in check are things that will make yourattempts to kill the boss go a lot more smoothly.


Heroic Mode

The Heroic mode of Ji-Kun is one of the most accessible Heroic modes inthe Throne of Thunder. The fight plays out almost identically to Normal mode,with only one important difference.


Differences From Normal Mode

In addition to the increased health and damage of all the mobs in theencounter, there is one important difference in Heroic mode. On several neststhroughout the fight, in addition to the eggs there becoming active, there isalso a Nest Guardian, an add which must be tanked.

The Nest Guardians melee their tank and must be faced away from otherraid members. If no one is engaged in combat with a Nest Guardian (forexample, if you send no one to the nest), then it will deal high Physicaldamage to the raid, and interrupt casting, thus leading to a wipe.

In 10-man, Nest Guardians are present in the followingactivations:

  • activation 2 (lower nest);
  • activation 4 (upper nest);
  • activation 8 (lower nest);
  • activation 10 (upper nest);
  • activation 12 (upper nest).

In 25-man, the Guardians are present in the followingactivations:

  • activation 2 (lower nest);
  • activation 6 (lower nest);
  • activation 12 (upper nest);
  • activation 17 (upper nest);
  • activation 22 (lower nest);
  • activation 29 (upper nest).

Another minor difference exists, which is that Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (100) Daedalian Wings nowonly has 3 charges, instead of 4 in Normal mode.



Each Nest Guardian will have to be tanked as soon as it spawns, andyour DPS players will have to kill it in addition to the adds present onthat nest. This means that your tanks will need to alternate tanking Ji-Kun insuch a way that they can make it to every Nest Guardian spawn location.

Given the variety of ways in which you can choose to assign players tohandling the nests, we feel that this is a task best left up to the raidleader.

It is also worth mentioning that Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (101) Quills deals a very large amount ofdamage in Heroic mode, so healers should be prepared for it, and they shouldnot hesitate to use defensive cooldowns.


Concluding Remarks

This concludes our raid guide for Ji-Kun. We hope you havefound it helpful. Please do not hesitate to post any feedback you may have onour forums.



  • 15 May 2013: Added Heroic mode.
  • 24 Mar. 2013: Clarified 10-man nest activation order (based on forum comments); added mention of the fact that the Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (102) Slimed debuff persists until the end of the fight.
  • 21 Mar. 2013: Replaced our PTR preview with our video guide.
  • 13 Mar. 2013: Added link to forum threads that contain class-specific advice for the encounter.
  • 08 Mar. 2013: Major changes to account for live realm version.
    • Re-designed the explanations of what happens on the lower nests.
    • Added mention that you gain Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (103) Daedalian Wings by simply running over the feathers dropped by Hatchlings.
    • Added mention that you cannot DPS the Juveniles from Ji-Kun's platform.
    • Removed mentions that claimed that jumping during Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (104) Down Draft helps.
    • Added mention that you need to be flying to be able to intercept Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (105) Feed Young.
    • Made several adjustments to the strategy, especially for how to best deal with the nests.

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Ji-Kun Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included) (2024)


What is the drop rate of Jikun? ›

This mount can drop on normal and heroic difficulty. The drop chance seems to be about 1 % - 1.5 %. And secondly we have the Ji-Kun Hatchling which will drop from all difficulties, including LFR.

Is Ji Kun tameable? ›

Can be tamed. Name: Retains original name after taming.

How do I get to Ra Den? ›

Ra-Den is only available to kill after defeating Lei Shen on Heroic 25-Player difficulty. After killing Lei Shen, there will be a short cinematic of the stairway opening up in Primordius' room. Clicking the Displacement Pad will take you there.

Where is the throne of thunder? ›

The entrance to the Throne of Thunder is located in the north-western part of the Isle of the Thunder King, and it can currently be accessed via a portal located near to the Shado-Pan Garrison in Townlong Steppes.

Is the spawn of Horridon rare? ›

Spawn of Horridon - Rare drop from Horridon in the Throne of Thunder (doesn't drop in the LFR version).

How to get kor kron juggernaut? ›

The mount drops on roughly a 3% drop rate from Garrosh Hellscream in the Siege of Orgrimmar. The mount only drops in the mythic version of the raid. The Siege of Orgrimmar raid is located in Pandaria in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms right outside of The Shrine of Two Moons.

Is Killclaw the terrible tameable? ›

As hunter, you can tame Killclaw the Terrible (the elite bear) and when tamed he keeps his name and title which is pretty nice. Killing him solo with a few heirlooms is easy enough but without these it's tricky (quest suggests 3 players).

Why can't i tame hutia? ›

Make sure you're in Beast Mastery spec, she's a Spirit Beast and not a porcupine. She becomes tamable once below about 30% health (800k), tame will complete even if she heals up during the tame. She hits for roughly 100k at about a 10 yard range - kite her around her log. (Concussive Shot on cooldown really helps.)

Can you tame Swiftmane? ›

Swiftmane is tameable. Got him not too long ago on my lvl 37 Orc Hunter just after getting Humar the Pridelord.

Is Odyn a Titan in WoW? ›

History. Odyn in World of Warcraft. Odyn is one of the titan-forged who were empowered by the Pantheon and thus became Keepers. He led the titan-forged armies against the forces of the Old Gods.

Who is the secret boss in the Throne of Thunder? ›

Ra-den, the Fallen Keeper of Storms, is the thirteenth, heroic mode-only boss encounter of the Throne of Thunder raid. He only becomes available after Lei Shen is defeated.

How to get to hidden cell in WoW? ›

The Hidden Cell is a secret prison found under the Saurok Creation Pit in Throne of Thunder. It is found after walking through two sets of doors beneath the Pit. The cell's only prisoner, Ra-den, is found chained to its walls.

How often can you farm nalak? ›

Nalak spawns on Isle of Thunder at 60, 37 and drops Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent. He spawns every 10 to 20 minutes right in front of the Throne of Thunder raid entrance.

Where is Sunwalker Dezco? ›

After having finished the quest "A Witness to History" from Temple of the White Tiger and given entrence to the area Vale of Eternal Blossoms, you can find Sunwalker Dezco outside Shrine of Two Moons at 62,28 coordinates - he will then give you the quest Thunder Calls.

What is the drop rate of Zulrah item? ›

There is a 1/256 chance of hitting the unique drop table per roll. Zulrah gives two rolls per kill, meaning there's approximately a 1/512 chance per kill to receive a specific item from this table (or ~1/128 for any item).

What is the drop rate of hirukon? ›

The golden yellow Hirukon's Radiant Reach (with supposedly a 10.06% drop rate, according to Wowhead).

What is the rare drop rate in Runescape? ›

Rare table
Dragon longsword (m)11/128
Off-hand dragon longsword (m)11/128
Molten glass (m)45–55 (noted)4/64 [d 1]
Runite stone spirit (m)27–334/64 [d 2]
14 more rows

How often does huolon spawn? ›

Huolon's spawn rate is approximately 30-60 minutes, and his spawn point is always the same: above the bridge on the path to Blazing Way.


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.