Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

MARION, CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JULY FIRST AND BEST-AS USUAL Employes Hold Dinner Party in Club Roomst Office" employes" of the Wire, their guests Co. held of Jonesboro" party Thursday nicht at the Meed the attendance prize for the Mrs. Carroll Jackson was 1 award. shingomesia Country Club. evening.Included in the party were Mr.

and Mrs. Watson. Jay, and Robert Bruch. Miss Betty Me. Daniel James.

Panky. Nr. And Airs. William Jay. Miss Georgia Grey, Miss Alyce Lynch, Mr.

and Mrs. John Yours, Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson, Jerry. Allen Pence, Miss Korma Clifford.

Thomas, Miss Margo Willacker. Mr. and Mrs. D. H.

Long. Edward. H. Miss Ermine McDaniel, Miss Farma Frantz, Mr. and Mrs.

Beryl Atkinson. Frank Wonderley, Mrs. Marie Cox. Volney Reeler, Miss June McDaniel. Miss Mary Conn, Mr.

and. Mrs. Harry Wiley, Mr. and Nit. Raymond Satterfield, Homer Hays, Mr.

and Mrs. Carroll Jack and Mrs. William J. Streicher, Mr. and- Mrs.

GilbertNelson. Miss. Joan Nelson and Mr. and 3trs. Forrest Whitacre.

SON BORN Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. French, 8507 South Boots street, are the parents Thursday of at a boy the born Marion. at 1:30 a.

General m. a Hospital. The baby. weighed five pounds and six ounces. ANNOUNCE REUNION Members of the Barley and Bowman families will hold a reunion no Aug.

20 at the -No. 4 school in Washington township. Francis I Barley is the president of the group. NEW HARD- WATER SUDS HELPS KEEP COLOR IN STOCKINGS! Now see stockings keep their delicate sheerness and fresh amazingly longer! See woolens and underwear regain bride-like freshness and color! Colored prints sing with radiant sparkle! Results are startling because science has found a way to make a wonderful new suds, called Vel. Contains no alkali to fade colors.

Neither can Vel form bus soap-scurn, even in hardest water You can feel this slippery, scurn in soap suds. But these amazing new Vel suds feel soft and pure. That's Because Vel is not a'soap. It's a special new bard -water suds perfected by. Colgate.

It makes as much as 5 times more suds than expensive soap flakes in bardest it makes hardest water soft as rainwater. You flakes can for see fine why fab- Veil better than soap rics, because Vel does not form a ring of soap-scum around the bowl. That proves Vel can't leave ruinous soap.scum in your stockings, underwear and woolens, to dull the sheerness and cause "cottony" look. The most thrilling proof is the radiant freshness, the soft newness, and lovelier color of ANYTHING you wash in Vel. So easy on hands, too, because Vel -suds contain no acid, no alkali to irritate the skin.

Buy Vel today at grocers. and guaranteed by Colgate. Palmolive-Peet Company. Love Union Arranges Meeting For Tuesday An announcement has been made of the all days meeting by the and dinner planned Love Woman's Temperance Union for Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Bertha, Boller, east of Marion," on state road 18.

The program will be opened at 11 a. m. by the president, Mrs. George Love. Assisting Mrs.

Boller in entertaining will be Mrs. Chester Davis, Mrs. Eva Daughtry, Mrs. Orville Dibble and Mrs. Paul Bradford.

CLUB LEADERS OUTLINE WORK Miss Marjorie Applegate, detn of the Marion Business and Professional Women's Club, was hostess to the executives of the at a meeting Wednesday night lat her home on South. Adams street. The group discussed plans for next year. Those present were Miss Lucy Babb. Mrs.

Ralph Henderson, Miss Alma Patton, Mrs. Josephine Hahne, Dr. Ruth Macdonald, Miss Althea Hardy, dirs. Ethel Wearley, Miss Applegate and Mrs. Charles York.

LAFONTAINE ITEMS LAFONTAINE, July The Christian Church Aid and a Golden afternoon Rule at the class home met of Mrs. Thursday R. D. Hardman. Mrs.

J. H. Porter had charge of devotions, and the business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Joel Martin. Mrs.

Homer Hummel was in charge of the Aid business meeting. The next meeting be. A -joint meeting I held August 31' with Mrs. Lora Oatess. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs.

Hardman, Dre. Lawrence Watson, Mrs. Sherman Thompson, Mra. Maurice White. Miss- Cora Critchlow and Ross Hill to Rev.

and Mrs. L. T. Rogers, Mrs. John Moyer, Joel Martin, Mrs.

Lawrence Pence, Mrs. J. H. Porter, Miss Edith Hubbard, Mrs. Ovid- Hummer, Mrs.

Lora Oatess, Mrs. Fred Young, Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. Alva Harvey, Mrs. Robert Glark, Mrs.

Homer- Hummel, Mrs. B. Little, Mra. A. B.

Martin, Mrs. Alva Botkin, Mrs. Orval Pittison, Mrs. Kenneth Kerr, Mrs Allie Young, Mrs. Frank" Crummine, Mrs.

E. E. Sutton, Mrs. Art McGinnis, Mrs. Claude Lane, Mrs.

Nondus. Howard, Mrs. Ralph Retherford and sons;" Mrs. Guy Hummel, Mrs. Chris Lamb, Mrs.

Orlen Hummel, Indianapolis; Janice Howard, Bobby Hardman and Helen Hardman. Al Rautenkrantz and William Spinks, Urbana, were callers here Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Orlen Hummel, Indianapolis, arrived Wednesday to spend the remainder of the week with Mr. and Mrs.

Guy Hummel and Mr. and Mire, Homer Hummel. Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Gail Nichols and Mrs.

Theresa Rogers attended a meeting of the Minerva Club. and Thursday. Mrs. Marion Mossman and Ray Mossman and daughter, Marilyn, Watseka, left Friday for their home after spending a few days bere with Mr. and Mrs.

Cy Curless and other friends. Midnite SKATING PARTY Saturday Nite--July 29 1st to 10:30: 25c MIDNIGHT 'TILL? 40c Special Pipe Organ Music for this Night Only, -SKATE WHILE IT IS COOLIdyl Wyld Roller Palace READY CASH How those "good time" dollars will spring up from the few cents invested in a little Chronicle-Tribune Want Ad. Sell a business, boat, lot, car, baby carriage, stove, ice box, bedroom suite, rug, golf or fishing equipment. Get a job or rent a place. Get in on the profits.

SOLD! PULLETS- -Nice white rocks, four months RENTED! EIGHTH WEST-2-room mod. furnished apartment. SOLD! 44. WALNUT Eight piece dining suite, good quality. You, too, can get results like these.

One sure way to find out what a Chronicle-Tribrune Want Ad can do for you--give one a job to do. Want Ad counter and phone service open evenings until 8 o'clock. Saturday night until 9, o'clock. Phone 244 County Clubs Attend AnnualWinona Program Several of the members of the Grant County Federation of Clubs went to Lake Winona Thursday and attended the annual Winona Federation Day program held by the thirteenth district. of clubs at.

the Westminster Hotel. The Jonesboro Women's Study Club was-represented with the largest group. Mrs. William Ellison of Winona, chairman was in- charge- of the morning session which was devoted to round table discussions at the hotel. On.

the reception committee were Mrs. Ellison and Mrs. George Baum, Akron, district president. one o'clock luncheon followed the meeting and the group went to the tabernacle for the program. A concert was presented by the Petrie band and the Kiltie vocal Dr.

James H. Charbonnier of Buffalo, N. wag the. guest speaker and spoke on "Democracy Faces Autocracy." A reception held on the lawn after the program. Those from Grant district chairman of press publicicounty were Mrs K.

Nutter, ty, Mrs. Hattie Craw, Mrs. Grove, Mrs. May McInroe, Mrs. E.

W. Tucker, Mrs. Francis Brendle, Mrs. Cella Jarnigan, Mrs. Guy Roush, Mrs.

Walter Macy, Mrs. W. R. Faber, Mrs. Lena Wootring, all of the Woman's: Study Club of Jonesboro, and Mrs.

Victor A. Selby, district president, of Fairmount. JONESBORO ITEMS Miss Coahran, of North JONESBORO, July Carolina, of Anderson College, will hold preaching service here on Main street Saturday at 8 p. The public is invited to hear Singing will be provided by a mixed choir, The Intermediate League of the Methodist church held a swimming party Wednesday morning at Matter park. Those included in the.

party were V. Singer and daughters, Mary Lou and Suzanna; Prof. Glen Nelson and children. Janet. and David, Whitewater, Billy Harris, Tommy and Elmyria Brock, Margaret Anna Tomlinson, Mrs.

Harold Mahoney and daughters, Jane and Alice; Margaret Hupp, Virginia Bruch and Rev. and Mrs. Harold D. Neel." Esom Smith, Fairmount, spent Wednesday night here as a guest of his son, William Smith, and Relatives have received word that Herbert Sigmon, who has been a patient at the Veterans' Hospital at Indianapolis, suffering with Hodgsons disease, has received 27 blood transfusions and has been removed to a Chicago hospital where he will undergo electrical treatments. He is a former Jonesboro resident.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hannan have moved from Gas City into the late Lizzie Ruley property on South Main street. Among those from Jonesboro who attended federated club meeting and luncheon Winona Lake Thursday were Mrs. -W.

P. Macy, Mrs. Lena Wotring, Mrs. Guy Roush, Mrs. Charles Groves, Mrs.

W. a R. Faber, Mrs. Rees J. and Miss Hattie Craw.

Ernest Rothinghouse, Alexandria druggist, called on friends and relatives Jonesboro- Tuesday.Miss Alice Little, Chicago, spent the weekend here as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farrington. They called on Mr. and Mrs.

Ora, Eiler, near Marion, Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Matney and- sons. Larry and Jimmy, have returned home after spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. Mary Stair and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cline spent Mrs. Sunday at Lemuel Lebanon and called on Spencer. Mr.

Spencer is confined to a hospital at Indianapolis with illness. They were formerly of Jonesboro. Mrs. Kenneth Henslee returned today from a week's visit with Mr. -and Mrs.

A. B. Young and family, South Bend. Miss- Edith Spurgeon spent the weekend with friends at Fort Wayne. Mrs.

Joseph McKeever and son are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller, Hartford City. Martha Southerland hag returned from a several weeks visit with relatives at Afton and Greeneville, Tenn. The primary department of the Methodist Episcopal church entertained recently at? party in honor of the birthday anniversary of their teacher, Mrs.

Ralph Greene. The party was held at the playgrounds at. the school building. Those included in the party were Mrs. Ralph Greene.

and son, Ralph, Mrs. C. M. Harris and son, Billy; Mrs. Edmon Daubenspeck and son, Jerry; Mrs.

Vaughn Tinkle and daughter, Sally; Mrs. Harold Mahoney and daughters, Alice and Jane; Mrs. K. W. Tomlinson and daughter, Margaret Anna; Loretta Betty and Jane and Billy Hupp, Donna Price, Shirley, James and Junior Ryan, Bonnie Lou Sizelove, Jimmie and Tommy Cox, Louise Williams, Elmyria and Tommy Brock, Tommy Ruley, Marylou Singer and Rev.

and Mrs. Harold D. Neel. PIPELINE CREW TO START WORK NEAR ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA, July The James Construction Co. crew will arrive here early next week to complete the construction of a new pipe-line for a large oil company that is extending across Madison diagonally from a point -southwest of Noblesville to the northeast corner of the state.

are Over 100 expert pipe builders employed by company. Rev. Charles Carter, returned missionary from Africa, will speak Sunday at 10:30 a. m. at the Nelson Street Wesleyan Methodist Church, Rev.

Amos Jackson, pastor, announced today. Rev. Carter has been a missionary for several years; 1. AFRICAN MISSIONARY WILL SPEAK AT CHURCH SUNDAY SOCIAL and 12 PERSONAL Mrs. William Brunka and daughter, Caroline, South.

street, will leave Sunday for a few days trip: through. the southern states. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erlewine and Miss Mary Margaret Howard spent Thursday.

in Indianapolis. Mrs. Carl Underwood and son, William, Bakersfield, arrived Wednesday to spend a few weeks with Mrs. Underwood's mother, Mrs. Olga Felton.

Mrs. Eugene Collins and daughter, Alta Jane, Washington street, spent Wednesday, and Thursday in Indianapolis with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Norman and children, Tommy and Mary Carol. -They were accompanied home.

by Mary Carol Norman, who will visit here for a few weeks. Miss Frances Baszis is spending several days in South Bend as the guest. of Mr Mrs. John Watson. Mrs.

Watson was formerly Miss Ruth Norris of Marion. Mrs. Walter Irwin and children of Chicago, are the guests teday of Mrs. John Reberds and Mrs. J.

E. Robbina, Spencer avenue. Mrs. Irwin was Miss Margaret Langan of Marion, before her marriage. Mrs.

Bern Telliff and children, Charlotte and Paul, and Miss Beatrice Stuck have returned to their home -here -following a visit with relatives and friends in Chicago. Mrs. Will Scott and Mrs. Philip Klaus of Marion, and Betty Evelyn Leisure of Elwood, spent Wednesday at the Culver Military Aca-1 demy. Will Scott, and Philip Lewis Klaus left Thursday as members of the Black Horse troop of the school for -a ten-day hike to Christiana Lake, Mich.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roof and Miss Peachie Wilson. North Washington street, are spending their vacation at Lake Tippecano, Mrs. -Robert Sisson and children, Richard, Philip and Susan, and Mrs.

Sidney Croft spent Wednesday in Knightstown visiting Louise Craft and Mrs. Thomas Beecher. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.

Hays, West Fourth street, went to Chicago, today to be the weekend guests of friends. Major Floyd Lindley is spending today in Indianapolis on business. Helen Hart will spend next" week -Miss Hazel Dean -Hart and -Miss at Silver Lake for their vacation. William Dushek, who has been ill at his home on Last Swayzee 'street, is reported improved, Mr. and' Mrs.

Roy McMillan and son, Mickey, Spencer avenue, will leave next week for their vacation with friends and relatives in. Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Shultz of Marion, and Mrs. Nell Shultz and Mrs.

Robert Laymon son, Wallace, Warren, have returned? to their -homes- following trip through the Great Smoky and Cumberland mountains. They also visited Dr. and Mrs. Claude Burton in Asheville, N. C.

Mrs. W. L. Lindhart of Muskogee, will arrive Saturday -for a -visit with: her -sister, -Miss Emily Goldthwaite. Miss Crystal Pritchett was in Princeton Wednesday night and attended a meeting District Nine Indiana Rural Youth.

Mrs. Floann Conley and Mrs. Emma Helvie of Kokomo, were guests. of friends in Marion Thursday night. -Miss Frances.

Detrick. and Miss Ann Secrest spent the past week at Lake Tippecanoe. Elmer Billman, of Shelbyville, was a guest of Walter Takey, Thursday -night. Mr. and Mrs.

Glenn H. Houck, West Nelson street, will leave Sunday for Spokane, where they will spend three weeks. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Houck's brother and his daughter, W. H.

DuBois Miss Elizabeth DuBois, Spokane, guests of the Houcks for the past few days. Mr, DuBois also visited the World's Fair in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Xen Stephens and daughter, Nancy, will return to their home here Sunday from Minneapolis, where they.

have been visiting Mrs. Stephens' sister, Mrs. Morey Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Wilson of Hammond were guests of Mrs. Merrill S. Davis and Mrs. E.

0. Harrold Thursday. Miss Alice Mygrant of West Seventh street, who injured recently in an, accident at Peru, returned to her home Monday night. Those who attended the Young Friends Conference at Quaker Haven on Lake Dewart last week were Frances Rush, president of the Young People's Society, Joan Ewbank, Jane Cammack, Jane Moore, Robert Heavilin, Allie Johnson, Wilma Kirkpatrick, Mary Evelyn Brunt, Emma Louise Miles, Esther Emma Wright, Wanda Jean McRae, Ralph Small and Delores Barley. Those who attended the conference for one day were Harold Bowman, Mr.

and Mrs. Rubert Nicholson, Robert Bond, Sherman Said and Louise Said. Richard Davis of Euclid avenue arrived home Wednesday after a several days trip in the southern part of the state. Li Mr. and Mrs.

Orville Green and son, Thomas and Charles, Mrs. Philip Hudson, Mrs. Glenn Stover, Mrs. Paul Sipe, Mrs. Cecil Eltzroth, Marion, and Mrs.

Ernest Hofferbert 'of returned Wednesday from Columbus, 0., where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Alverdia. Potter Lindemood, who died from injuries received in an automobile accident. Guests Entertained at J. T.

Club Party Mrs. Boyd Ernst, Mrs. Ray Runyon, Mrs. William McCoy and Mrs. Elsie Stratton were guests at the euchre party held by the J.

T. Club Wednesday, afternoon. Hostess to the club at her home was Mrs. Minnie Ernst. Mrs.

Joseph. Bailey, Mrs. Delmar Ryder and Mrs. Ruth Scott received the prizes, and Mrs. Marshall was awarded the attendance prize.

Members present were Mrs: Bailey, Mrs. Ryder, Mrs. Robert Winner, Drs. Elsie Bryant, Mrs. Henry Bollet, Mrs.

A. B. Bond, Mrs. Mary, Ury, Mrs. Fern Percy, Mrs.

Molston, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Smith and the hostess, Mrs. Ernst. Lesson on Materials Presented For Club the lesson on "Qualities Mrs.

Minnie Gentis presented ing and House Dresses" before the Victory Home Economics Club in a July meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edna Turner. A group of 4-H club members displayed their work, samples of material and selection of the cloth. They also explained methods of dyeing material. Mrs.

Bartie McCombs, president, was in charge of the meeting and led in the devotional period. After the song by the club, roll call was answered with names of favorite salads. Mattie Hoggatt, Lena Jones, Marguerite Smith, Elta Butts and Ruth Starbuck received their sunshine gifts. Those present were Verna Behers, Elta -Gladys Eastman, Alvada Gauntt, Minnie. Gentis, Eva Glessner, Amanda Haynes, Jane Haynes, Edna Lewis, Bartie McCombs, Blanche Miller, Hazel Pence, Edith Shockley, Starbuck, Ruth: Spiker, Marguerite Smith, Edna Turner, Bernice Tibbets, Elizabeth Weller, Pauline Gentis, Grace Wiggamt, Maxine McCombs, Wanda Martin, Doris House, Coleen Armstrong, Marguerite Wire, Lindahl Hoggatt, Billie Shockley, Esther Hoskins, and Wilda Mrs.

Gentis, Albert Mrs. Jacob. Charles House Burial was in Utica, 0. Mrs. Lindemood was formerly a resident in Converse.

Bert Collins of near Swayzee, who has been seriously ill, has been reported improving at his home. Mrs: Joseph A. Osborn, Miss Roberta Meguiar and Mrs. Anna Meguiar have gone to Indianapolis to spend the day. Bridge Played by Tri-F Clubat "Streib Home Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Streib entertained the Tri-F' Club with 8 party Thursday night at their home on South Washington street. Bridge was played, and prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lytle, Mr.

Mrs. Wren Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Streib. In the business session during which Mrs.

-Streib presided, plans were for the club to hold a dinner party on Aug. 9 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phillips in Point Isabel. The following were present: Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. McGriff, Mr. and Mrs.

Loy McKevitt, Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Lytle, Mr.

and Mrs. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Streib. Contests made up the entertainment for the Fansler Home Economics Circle in- meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

Fern Jacobs. Assistant ess was Mrs. Addie Scott. Wilda Hudson and Lou Spencer were the winners in the contests. After group singing, Mrs.

Scott read the devotions "and roll call was. answered. Refreshments were served to Lizzie Reece, Bessie Hudson, Lou Spence, Ruth Hullinger, Gertie Kemmer, Clara Shinn, Florence Thompson, Wilda Hudson, Cecil Foltz, Blanche Tolle, Iva Sterrenberg, Belle Hullinger, Hannah Goff, Gladys Thompson, Ella Cooper, Minerva Johnson, Mary DanLiels, Gertrude Younce, Versie Maitlen, Laverna Belle Maitlen, Margaret Jacob and the hostesses, Addie Scott and Fern Jacob. Blanche Tolle and Cecil Foltz will be hostesses to the circle at the next meeting. REUNION TO BE HELD The annual reunion for the Cates family will held on Aug.

13 at Matter park. Home Economics Circle Meets With Mrs. Jacob TRUCK DRIVER REPORTED RECOVERING FROM INJURY ALEXANDRIA, July B. Mitchell, seventy old milk route truck driver, who was injured here when a 100-pound tire fell. on.

his head inflicting a deep gash, is reported improving at the family home in Noblesville. Mitchell was repairing a tire near the postoffice when the accident ocI curred. He was removed to his home in an ambulance. PLAN FUNERAL SATURDAY FOR MRS. JESSIE: JACKSON ALEXANDRIA, July Funeral rites for Mrs.

Jessie Jackson, fifty-four, former Alexandria resident, who was fatally injured in Lansing, when she fell'15 feet from an upstairs porch while arranging a mattress on the railing, will be held here Saturday at Episcopal, Church, First in charge Methodist of Miller, The' body was brought here last night and will lie in state until the hour of the funeral. Mrs. Jackson was formerly Miss Jessie Peck and was born and raised on a farm three miles south of the city. PLEASURE CLUB HEARS READINGS. Readings.

by Mrs. Philip Alber were given at the annual picnic which the Pleasure Club held Thursday -at Matter park, Mrs. Stella Ferguson was awarded the prize in the contests. Those present were Mrs. Melva.

Kelley and daughter Barbara, Mrs. Ferguson, Addis Sanders, Mrs. Anna Middleton. Mrs. Sarah Bowman, Mrs.

Anna Brown, Mrs. Anna Miller, Mrs. Sue Reynolds, Mrs. Ieward Senick and daughter- Barbara, Mrs. Mary- Tolly, Miss Jacqueline Stuck, Mrs.


full, most rich, World-Famess popular delicious. tea: flavor- -smooth, LIPTON cious, flavorful buds--give extra PRIZE 2. Tender Young Leaves and lus- LIPTON fragrance and bouquet. WINNING 3. teas Distinctive from Blend Lipton's with Ceylon choice PEKOE FLAVOR gardens.

PENDE BLACK TE Economical -you use less Lipton's per glass--it's so rich in davor: 44: Approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau Lipton's Tea "REFRESHES" Final CLEARANCE SALE OF CHAIRS Hi LOUNGE CHAIRS- OCCASIONAL CHAIRS-ROCKERS 31 Floor Samples and Discontinued Numbers Occasional Chair or Rocker Choice of colors Upholstered seat and back. Walnut finish. $695 Upholstered "Lounge with heavy King" brown Easy figured velvet. Chair $4.250 Formerly $52.50 -SPECIALMODERN CLUB LOUNGE CHAIR Curly mohair, blue and contrasting stripe. Deep, $4495 3 comfortable, roomy.

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Deep, LOUNGE CHAIRS restful, delightful. Was $64.50. $4950 Comfort Supreme Brown or Burgundy MODERN CLUB LOUNGE CHAIRS Was $47.50 Neutral shade mohair. NOW Was $39.50 $2650 $3750 HIGH BACK ROCKERS seat and back' Well balanced, high back, upholstered, $9 095 -EXTRA. 1 CHINTZ COVERED BOUDOIR 1 ASK FOR FREE COUPONS TO WORLD'S FAIR CHAIR $5.95 GIVEN WITH EACH $1.00 Six Spring Seat, Assorted Colors JOHNSTON'S SUIT TERMS INCOME YOUR TO I si Mi 1 PI.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


What is the name of the newspaper in Marion Indiana? ›

The Chronicle-Tribune is a morning newspaper for Marion, Indiana and surrounding areas.

What is the largest newspaper in Indianapolis? ›

The Indianapolis Star is the largest paper in Indiana.

Does Monticello Indiana have the newspaper? ›

local news, sports and advertising.

What is the newspaper in Bedford Indiana? ›

Times-Mail | Local News, Politics & Sports in Bedford, IN.

What was the name of the first Indianapolis Black newspaper and when did it start? ›

In 1865, Samuel G. Smother opened a grocery store, and later in 1879 The Indianapolis Leader was the first African American-owned newspaper in Indy.

What newspaper has the largest daily circulation? ›

News Corp's business-focused The Wall Street Journal (555,182) and The New York Times (267,639) remain the biggest dailies in the US, although their print circulations fell by 14% and 13% year-on-year respectively.

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

What is the name of the newspaper in Anderson Indiana? ›

The Herald Bulletin
TypeDaily newspaper
PublisherBeverly Joyce
Headquarters1133 Jackson Street, Anderson, Indiana 46016 United States
Circulation24,361 daily
4 more rows

Does Martinsville Indiana have a newspaper? ›

Reporter-Times: Local News, Politics & Sports in Martinsville, IN.

What is the name of the Houston newspaper? ›

Founded in 1901, the Houston Chronicle was acquired by Hearst in 1987.

What is the name of the newspaper in Johnstown? ›

The Tribune-Democrat
TypeDaily newspaper
EditorChip Minemyer
Founded1853, as Cambria Tribune
Headquarters425 Locust Street Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15907 United States
Circulation20,000 daily
4 more rows


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.