Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (2024)

Blade VortexSpell, AoE, Duration, Physical
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (6-16) Mana
Cast Time: 0.50 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 30%
Requires Level 12This spell creates ethereal blades which orbit in an area around you, dealing damage every 0.6 seconds to all enemies in their radius. As more blades are added, the damage becomes greater and more frequent.Deals (3-140) to (5-211) Physical Damage
Base duration is 4.00 seconds
+(0-0.2) metres to radius
35% increased Hit Rate for each blade
35% more Damage for each blade
Can have up to 10 active spinning blades

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0.25-5)% increased Hit Rate for each blade

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.

Drop level: 12
Vendor Offer
1x Scroll Fragment
Item class: Skill Gem
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemBladeVortex

Blade Vortex (often referred to as BV) is a spell that creates an ethereal blade that spins around the caster that deals physical damage, each blade lasting for the minimum duration of 4 seconds.

  • 1 Skill functions and interactions
  • 2 Gem level progression
  • 3 Calculating DPS
  • 4 Math and tables
  • 5 Item acquisition
    • 5.1 Recipes
    • 5.2 Quest reward
    • 5.3 Vendor reward
  • 6 Related helmet enchantments
  • 7 Alternate skill effects
  • 8 Version history
  • 9 References

Skill functions and interactions

Blade Blast of Unloading: When targeted by Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (7)Blade Blast of UnloadingBlade Blast of UnloadingSpell, AoE, Physical, Nova
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-21) Mana
Cast Time: 0.65 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 250%
Requires Level 16Deals spell damage in an area around you. If you have Blade Vortex blades orbiting you, it will detonate each of them in turn, dealing damage again in an area around you for each one.Deals (40-1107) to (60-1661) Physical Damage
Base radius is 1.4 metres
100% more Area of Effect per Blade Vortex blade detonated

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.005-0.1) metres

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (9), the blades will detonate in sequence, increasing in AoE with subsequent detonations. The damage from these detonations scale solely from the Blade Blast skill.

Maximum blades: Up to 10 blade stacks can be active at a time. Each stack has its own duration.

Hit interval: When the blade is first spawned, the skill will deal a hit after the hit interval duration (0.6 seconds with one blade).

Multiple casts: Blade Vortex can have multiple stacks, but it only has one skill effect, based on the original cast or trigger. This means effects that apply to entire casts of a skill must apply to the first cast to have an effect, and effects that only apply to additional blades will normally not affect Blade Vortex, such as less damage from Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (10)Unleash SupportUnleash SupportSpell, Support
Icon: q
Level: (1-20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 150%
Requires Level 38Supports spell skills, making their effect reoccur when cast. Cannot support skills with cooldowns, triggered skills, Brand skills, Vaal skills, channelling skills, skills with a reservation, or skills used by totems, traps, or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Supported Spells gain a Seal every (0.90-0.71) seconds, to a maximum of 3 Seals
Supported Spells are Unsealed when cast, and their effects Reoccur for each Seal lost
Supported Skills deal (50-41)% less Damage when Reoccurring

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Spell Damage

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (11) or more damage from Greater Spell Echo Support. Intensity updates on each cast, however.[1] Stats that apply per hit instead of per cast do not snapshot.

Visual effect: Blade vortex's visual effect does not scale with Area of effect modifiers. Instead, to give a rough indication of radius, there are several versions of the knife effect, each rotating at a different radius. The skill will always try to have one knife using the largest-radius effect that's not larger than the actual radius of the skill, but that skill results in discrete visual changes where you need to reach a certain threshold before the next wider effect can be used. The full radius is always used mechanically.[2]

Gem level progression

LevelBlade Vortex | PoE Wiki (12)Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (13)Mana
RadiusExp.Total Exp.

Calculating DPS

Blade Vortex's in-game tooltip DPS gives the average damage of one hit from one Blade Vortex instance, multiplied by casts per second. This value is misleading primarily because Blade Vortex can hit more than once over its duration, thus cast speed must not be used, but hits per second (rounds per second, spin rate), over the duration of the stacks.

Math and tables

Base spin rate of Blade Vortex is 600 ms. Blade Vortex hit more frequently with more stacks it has.As gem says: 35% increased Hit Rate for each blade. So spin time is calculated asBlade Vortex | PoE Wiki (14)

Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (15)

Assuming spin rate increases for 35% for each stack, we have the following data:

StacksHit Rate (ms)Hits Per Second

Each stack of Blade Vortex increases hit damage with the following formula:Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (16)

Where Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (17) is per-stack damage increase factor.

Then we need just multiply hits per second with hit damage.Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (18)

Assuming 35% more damage per stack, then using base hit damage as 1, we would expect the following per-hit damage increases:

StacksDamage Per HitEffective DPS Multiplier

Finally, to obtain sustained DPS from tooltip use the following formula:Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (19)

or in expanded formBlade Vortex | PoE Wiki (20)

Item acquisition

Blade Vortex can drop anywhere.


Blade Vortex can be created from the following recipes:

13Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (22)The CataclysmBlade Vortex | PoE Wiki (23)The Cataclysm13Level 21 Spell Gem
The mighty warriors traded in blows, the nimble archers in arrows, yet it was the brazen thaumaturgists who would bring catastrophe to all.
Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (25)
Random corrupted level 21 Spell gemA
6Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (26)The FoxBlade Vortex | PoE Wiki (27)The Fox6Level 20 Gem"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb
Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (29)
Random level 20 gemA
3Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (30)Gemcutter's PromiseBlade Vortex | PoE Wiki (31)Gemcutter's Promise3Gem
Quality: +20%
"I swore to use my position to help the people. What good is power when it just accumulates on the already-powerful?" - Erasmus, Imperial Gemcutter
Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (33)
Random gem with 20% qualityA
1Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (34)Gemcutter's IncubatorGemcutter's IncubatorStack Size: 10Adds an incubated Quality Gem item to an equippable item
Item drops after killing {0} monsters
Right click this item then left click an item to apply it. The Incubated item drops after killing a specific number of monsters.
Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (35)
Random gem with 1–20% qualityA
1Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (36)The VoidBlade Vortex | PoE Wiki (37)The Void1Reach into the Void and claim your prize.Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (39)Random divination card set exchangeA

Quest reward

This item is given as a quest reward for the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
The Siren's Cadence
Act 1

Vendor reward

This item can be bought at the listed NPC vendors, after completing the following quests:

Class →WitchShadowRangerDuelistMarauderTemplarScion
Quest ↓
The Siren's Cadence
Act 1
A Fixture of Fate
Act 3
Fallen from Grace
Act 6
Lilly Roth

Related helmet enchantments

The following helmet enchantments affect Blade Vortex.

Note that helmet enchantments are no longer obtainable since version 3.23.0 and can only be obtained in permanent leagues as already enchanted items from before this patch.

NameBlade Vortex | PoE Wiki (40)LabyrinthStatsSpawn Weighting
Enchantment Blade Vortex Crit Multi Per Blade 166Merciless LabyrinthBlade Vortex has +2% to Critical Strike Multiplier for each bladehelmet 75
Enchantment Blade Vortex Crit Multi Per Blade 275Eternal LabyrinthBlade Vortex has +3% to Critical Strike Multiplier for each bladehelmet 75
Enchantment Blade Vortex Damage 166Merciless Labyrinth25% increased Blade Vortex Spell Damagehelmet 75
Enchantment Blade Vortex Damage 275Eternal Labyrinth40% increased Blade Vortex Spell Damagehelmet 75
Enchantment Blade Vortex Duration 166Merciless Labyrinth20% increased Blade Vortex Durationhelmet 75
Enchantment Blade Vortex Duration 275Eternal Labyrinth30% increased Blade Vortex Durationhelmet 75
Enchantment Blade Vortex Area Of Effect 166Merciless Labyrinth16% increased Blade Vortex Area of Effecthelmet 75
Enchantment Blade Vortex Area Of Effect 275Eternal Labyrinth24% increased Blade Vortex Area of Effecthelmet 75

Alternate skill effects

Blade Vortex has the following alternate skill effects:

Demonic Blade VortexDemonic Blade VortexSkill Gem EffectYour Blade Vortex becomes a black and red demonic vortex.Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (42)Your Blade Vortex becomes a black and red demonic vortex.
Illusionist Blade Vortex EffectIllusionist Blade Vortex EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Blade Vortex becomes an Illusionist Effect.Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (44)Your Blade Vortex becomes an Illusionist Effect.
Sawblade Blade VortexSawblade Blade VortexSkill Gem EffectYour Blade Vortex becomes a Sawblade Effect.Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (46)Your Blade Vortex becomes a Sawblade Effect.
Transcendence Blade Vortex EffectTranscendence Blade Vortex EffectSkill Gem EffectYour Blade Vortex becomes a Transcendence Effect.Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (48)Your Blade Vortex becomes a Transcendence Effect.

Version history

  • No longer has 0-10% increased Critical Strike Chance for each blade.
  • It now deals 3 to 5 Physical Damage at gem level 1 (unchanged), scaling up to 140 to 211 at gem level 20 (previously 128 to 191).
  • Quality now provides +0-5% increased Hit Rate for each blade, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.
  • Weapon Range displayed on Melee Weapons and other descriptions that use ranges with values now instead use metres. The reminder text for "Close Range" and the description of Presence range in the Character panel also now use metres.
  • Blade Vortex now deals 3 to 5 Physical Damage at gem level 1 (unchanged), up to 128 to 191 at gem level 20 (previously 86 to 129).
  • Now has 30% Effectiveness of Added Damage at all gem levels (previously 20%).
  • Now has a base duration of 4 seconds (previously 5 seconds).
  • Now has a radius of +2 at gem level 20 (previously +4).
  • Now has added damage effectiveness of 20% (previously 25%).
  • Now deals 86 to 129 Physical Damage at gem level 20 (previously 101 to 151).
  • Blades created by this skill can now be destroyed with Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (49)Blade BlastBlade BlastSpell, AoE, Physical
    Level: (1-20)
    Cost: (6-16) Mana
    Cast Time: 0.50 sec
    Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: 70%
    Requires Level 16Deals spell damage in a targeted area. Each time this spell deals damage, it will detonate any of your Lingering Blades it touches, dealing damage again in an area around them. Up to 50 Blades can be detonated this way.Deals (11-309) to (17-464) Physical Damage
    Base radius is 1.4 metres

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    Base radius is (0.005-0.1) metres

    Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
    Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (51)
  • Mana Cost at gem level 20 is now 16 (was 19).
  • Now deals 3 to 5 Physical damage at gem level 1 (from 7 to 10) and 101 to 151 Physical damage at gem level 20 (from 123 to 185).
  • Now has an added damage effectiveness of 25% (from 30%).
  • Added physics interactions.
  • Now has 35% increased hit rate for each blade (up from 10%).
  • Now deals 35% more damage with hits and ailments for each blade (up from 30% for hits and 20% for ailments).
  • Now has 10% increased critical strike chance for each blade.
  • Now has a limit of 10 active spinning blades (down from 20).
  • Blade Vortex had its 'more spell damage' scaling modifier changed to 'more damage with hits for each blade', and separately 'more damage with ailments for each blade'.
  • Blade Vortex's radius has increased from 14 to 15 units.
  • Blade Vortex gains 1 additional unit of radius every 5 levels.
  • No longer gain increased area of effect radius.
  • You can now only have one instance of Blade Vortex active at once.
  • Blade Vortex's "More Damage per Blade" modifier has been changed to apply only to spell damage instead of all damage types. This will remove a double-dipping effect that should not have been occurring.
  • Blade Vortex has been refactored. Instead of separate hits for each active blade, the blades now increase the frequency at which all enemies in the radius take damage, and the amount of damage they take. The skill now has a base hit frequency of 600ms and has 10% increased hit rate per active blade. Its damage has been reduced by 30% at all levels and it deals 30% more damage per active blade.
  • Blade Vortex now has a stack limit of 20 (down from 50). It now deals 63% more damage at level 20.
  • The frequency with which Blade Vortex's can repeatedly hit the same enemy has been halved, but its damage and damage effectiveness have been doubled.
  • Extra Gore now doesn't trigger every time Blade Vortex hits.
  • Fixed a bug where some of the visual effects on Blade Vortex weren't being updated when swapping in and out support gems which modified the area of effect.
  • Fixed a bug where some of the effects of Blade Vortex weren't finishing their animations smoothly.
  • Added to the game.


  1. Rory_Rackham (March 7, 2019). "Unleash/Intensify and blade vortex". Retrieved March 7, 2019.
  2. Mark_GGG (January 14, 2016). "Blade Vortex quality not working/applying.". Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved January 16, 2016.
  • v
  • t
  • e


  • Skill gem
  • Transfigured skill gem
  • Vaal skill
  • Cost
  • Reservation
  • Support gem
  • Awakened support gem
  • Exceptional gem
  • Socket
  • Link
Gem tags
  • AoE
  • Arcane
  • Attack
  • Aura
  • Blessing
  • Blink
  • Bow
  • Brand
  • Chaining
  • Channelling
  • Chaos
  • Cold
  • Critical
  • Curse
  • Duration
  • Fire
  • Golem
  • Guard
  • Herald
  • Hex
  • Lightning
  • Link
  • Mark
  • Melee
  • Mine
  • Minion
  • Movement
  • Nova
  • Orb
  • Prismatic
  • Projectile
  • Physical
  • Slam
  • Spell
  • Stance
  • Strike
  • Totem
  • Trap
  • Travel
  • Trigger
  • Vaal
  • Warcry
  • List of skill gems
  • List of transfigured skill gems
  • List of Vaal skill gems
  • List of support gems
  • List of awakened support gems

ru:Вихрь клинков

Blade Vortex | PoE Wiki (2024)


How often does Blade Vortex hit? ›

Hit interval: When the blade is first spawned, the skill will deal a hit after the hit interval duration (0.6 seconds with one blade). Multiple casts: Blade Vortex can have multiple stacks, but it only has one skill effect, based on the original cast or trigger.

Does Blade Vortex scale with weapon damage? ›

Visual effect: Blade vortex's visual effect does not scale with Area of effect modifiers. Instead, to give a rough indication of radius, there are several versions of the knife effect, each rotating at a different radius.

Where can I get a Vaal Blade Vortex? ›

Vaal Blade Vortex can drop from the Vaal Vessels found in Vaal side areas.

How to get Vaal Blade Vortex of the scythe? ›

Blade Vortex of the Scythe has restrictions on where or how it can drop. This item is a transfigured gem. It can be obtained through the use of the Divine Font in the Lord's Labyrinth.

How many times does Blade Trap hit? ›

Hit Rate: Each rotation hits two times per rotation for a total of 8 hits by default or 10 while dual wielding.

Does Vortex support Blade and Sorcery? ›

To begin, open up Vortex and navigate to the games section. If you don't already see Blade & Sorcery under the “Managed” tab, check the “Discovered” section. Use the “Manage” button on the game tile to add it to your managed games. If you can't see Blade & Sorcery, you can scan for it or define it manually.

Does fireball count as a projectile? ›

A fireball is an explosive projectile expelled from a ghast as its method of attack.

Is a soaring arrow a projectile? ›

The dart from a blowgun, the knife thrown, and the arrow shot from a bow are all projectiles. Neglecting air resistance these projectiles trace a parabolic curve on the way to a target.

What is the better vortex weapon? ›

Due to the inaccuracy of the bullets, the Vortex Beater is somewhat better suited against larger enemies and bosses (which may be immune to the knockback effect of the rockets, however). A better ranged weapon for single-target damage would be the Phantasm.

What does black flame blade scale with? ›

Faith is also crucial. To start using Black Flame Blade you'll need at least 17 faith, while Black Flame requires 20 and the Godslayer's Seal requires a whopping 27. Not only that, but all your Black Flame incantations scale with faith.

How many times does Blade Vortex hit? ›

This spell creates ethereal blades which orbit in an area around you, dealing damage every 0.6 seconds to all enemies in their radius. As more blades are added, the damage becomes greater and more frequent.

Where can I get a grafted blade? ›

In order to obtain this weapon, players will need to head to Castle Morne, which is located in the bottom right of the Elden Ring Map. Once here, complete the castle and head towards the back beach side of the location, and this is where you'll trigger a rather easy boss fight, which can be done rather early in-game.

What is a blade vortex? ›

A blade vortex interaction (BVI) is an unsteady phenomenon of three-dimensional nature, which occurs when a rotor blade passes within a close proximity of the shed tip vortices from a previous blade.

Where can I get whirling blades? ›

Whirling Blades can drop anywhere.
  • Recipes. Whirling Blades can be created from the following recipes:
  • Quest reward. This item is given as a quest reward for the following quests:
  • Vendor reward. This item can be bought at the listed NPC vendors, after completing the following quests: Class → Witch. Shadow. Ranger. Duelist.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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