This archive features choice excerpts from the now-inactive
Childhood Spanking Memories forum at
1. Telling lies
2. Getting into trouble at school (somehow, mum always knew)
3. Bickering with my sister (that was usually a double session)
4. Excessively late home from school (she didn't mind a little dawdling, but anything beyond twenty minutes or so was a no-no).
5. Disrespect to our parents or any other adult
6. Misbehaving on shopping trips
7. Fighting with the boy next door (we had a hate-hate relationship and I took advantage of the "boys shouldn't hit girls" unofficial rule and usually won the fight).
My sister and I would get one warning for minor bad behaviour. If we were out in public, more serious transgressions (fighting, running off, tantrums) were dealt with on the spot with a slap on our backsides. That simply meant that our knickers would be coming down as soon as we got home, for a proper dose.
Only once were we punished bare bottom while out shopping. My sister and I, messing around in a clothes shop, managed to knock down a row of mannequins. We were dragged into a changing room one at a time, taken over mum's knee, and her hand was applied to our bare backsides until the whole shop could hear us squealing.
Once we reached the bare-bottom age of spankings (after starting school) even if we'd been in trouble together, my sister and I usually received our spankings in private. Usually, that meant the offender being taken up to her room and pants pulled down for the main event. Initial scoldings were, however, given in front of the sibling, so that the message could be shared.
On occasion, if my parents (usually mum, as the main spanker) decided to do it in the living room, the other sibling would be told to make herself scarce, with an explicit warning not to listen at the door.
I was twice caught eavesdropping when my cousin Ruth was being spanked. I hated her with a fiery passion and she was always trying to get me into trouble. Usually she succeeded, as she was a very credible liar and had a butter-wouldn't-melt expression - especially around my mother. So when I was visiting my Aunt and Ruth was told to "go upstairs and get your bottom ready" (ie to take her knickers down prior to a slippering), I sneaked upstairs to listen. The first time, my uncle caught me and simply delivered one swat to my clothed backside, laughed and told me to run away. The second time, my Aunt caught me (I stepped on a creaky floorboard) and I was sent to their guest room, to "get my bottom ready".
My sister and I were spanked by mum until we cried. I was pretty stubborn and usually tried to hold out as long as possible, so as not to give mum the satisfaction. In any case, she knew my usual threshold and could also tell fake and premature tears a mile off - that earned a lot of extra spanks (my sister never figured that out). Once your crying started, mum kept going for a while longer, just to make sure.
The hand never fell out of favour in our house. Before starting school, my sister and I were smacked with a hand over the clothes. Thereafter, it was on your bare-bottom, into our late teens. Other implements were introduced at various stages - slipper, hairbrush - belt - but we probably got more with mum's hand than any other method.
Swat for swat, it obviously wasn't as bad as the slipper or hairbrush, but mum spanked for a LOT longer when she was using her hand. Every square inch of our backsides would be slapped hard multiple times, until we were just as red as if an implement had been used. By the midway point, our bottoms were so sore, it actually didn't make much difference whether she was using the slipper or brush. The belt, of course, was another matter...
Only once did I ever ask for a spanking, when mum tried something different one summer. I can't remember my offense, but it was particularly serious and she decided to ground me rather than tanning my backside. Two weeks of absolutely glorious sunshine, while my friends played outside. I was begging her, with tears in my eyes, to take my pants down - I'd even fetched the hairbrush and slipper, to give her the choice.
I was simply told that my grounding was obviously hurting me more, so it was working, but if I wanted a sore bare bottom in addition, then she'd give me one. And if I asked again, then that's exactly what would happen to me. Needless to say, I backed off and just had to tolerate being shut up in our house.